Digital Invitations

Christmas is a time of year when people are open to coming to church. They’re looking for meaning and purpose during this season and many are just waiting to be invited!

To make it easy to invite friends, extended family, co-workers, and neighbors to one of our Christmas services, here are some tools to use. We’ve created easy-to-download images and have already written some example text to get you started! Just download the images to your phone or computer and share on social media, include one in an email, or add it with a text.

Allow the Holy Spirit to work through you to reach others for Jesus as you invite them to church to hear about and celebrate His birth!

For Barker Campus Attendees

Images you can share

Social Media Post

Come join me this Christmas @valleyreallife ! There are 8 service times to fit your schedule. If you can’t make it in-person, we have online services too! Come create some beautiful memories. You can get more information at


Text Message

Hey, I don’t know what you have planned this Christmas, but I was wondering if you'd come with me to a service at Valley Real Life. There's 8 service times within four days, December 21-24. It’s going to be amazing, and I'd love it if you came with me! If you want some more information you can check out


For Riverside Campus Attendees

Social Media Post

Come join me this Christmas @valleyreallife Riverside campus! They have 2 services on December 24th at 3 + 430PM. If you can’t make it in-person, we have online services too! Come create some beautiful memories. You can get more information at


Text Message

Hey, I don’t know what you have planned this Christmas, but I was wondering if you'd come with me to a service at Valley Real Life Riverside. They have Christmas Eve service on December 24th at 3 + 430PM. It’s going to be amazing, and I'd love it if you came with me! If you want some more information you can check out


Images you can share