Men's Bible Study

Barker Campus

Men’s Bible Study is a great way to step into the VRL community! Each week, we come together to watch a video from the current series, discuss its application, dive into scripture, and pray for one another as we learn to live out God’s truth. The biblical topics/series change every 5-8 weeks, but men are welcome to join any time.

We have two options at the church every week:

* Tuesday Evenings at 6:30 pm (Room 101 & 102)

* Wednesday Mornings at 6:00 am (VRL Kid’s Clubhouse)

On May 8th, join us as we study through Greater Than by Francis Chan. Francis walks us through his own difficult childhood to help us understand that God is greater than any pain, sin or hardship that we might encounter in this life. 

We would love to have you join us! Please contact Brad Pesnell with any questions at 

Brad Pesnell
(509) 232-0840


Date / Time
Date / Time