Young Adult Crowd

Hey there, young adults (18-29)! Craving a night of good vibes, deep connections, and a chance to connect with other young adults? Lake City Church (6000 N Ramsey Rd

Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815) is hosting a special worship gathering just for you on February 18th, 5-9pm. Ditch the February blues and join us for an evening filled with worship, an inspiring message, and a welcoming community where you can be yourself and ask the big questions. Whether you're a seasoned faith explorer or just curious about what it all means, there's a place for you at this gathering. So grab your friends and get ready for an unforgettable night of connection and worship. We can't wait to see you there!


There will be a group of young adults from VRL carpooling together at 4:30 from the Barker campus.

Zak Sommers

Lake City Church, CDA