Wed Women's Bible Study

Barker Campus

VRL is launching our spring Wednesday morning Women's Bible Study. We're studying Luke: Gut Level Compassion.  

Many of us believe that we aren’t good enough to meet other people’s expectations. Maybe you can’t wrap words around why, but lurking beneath the surface of the carefully curated façade you present in public, it’s there. Being missed and marginalized by others moves us to assume we’re not quite good enough for God either.

The great news woven throughout the Gospel according to Luke is that perfection is not a prerequisite for a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. In fact, this riveting account reveals that Jesus is especially fond of ragamuffins in need of a safe place to lean in and linger!

Register yourself with the link provided below.

Homeschool Classroom is available during bible study, grades K-5, upon registration. 

Childcare is available upon registration below. (Please keep in mind that all children must be walking to be registered in childcare at VRL) 

If you are looking for our Tuesday night study, please search "Holritz Life Group" under the next steps tab, life groups. 

Janice Logue